Supernatural forces have filled Tokyo, and the ordinary citizens have mysteriously vanished in Ghostwire: Tokyo. With only a handful of tools at his disposal, Akito and the spirit sharing his body, KK, will have to work together to banish these forces from the city and lift the fog to return everything right. During the PlayStation Live official showcase, we were given an in-depth look at its inner game and an official release date for Ghostwire: Tokyo alongside it.
Ghostwire: Tokyo is set to release on March 25. It will be available to everyone on PlayStation 5 and PC consoles. You’ll be setting out to explore the dangerous streets of Toyko, full of supernatural threats. However, for those eager to play, an early access release of the game will be coming out. You’ll need to buy the Deluxe Edition from the PlayStation store to gain access to the game a few extra days earlier. The early access will be releasing on March 22.
Grabbing the Deluxe Edition is never a bad idea if you’re looking forward to the game. Although, if you prefer to wait, the game becomes available worldwide a few days later, so you won’t be missing out on too much. Ghostwire: Tokyo will only be released to the PlayStation 5 and PC, so don’t expect to see it on the PlayStation 4.