From a new legend and mode to the revival of an old beloved map, Apex Legends Season 12, also known as Defiance, will undoubtedly have an abundance of content for fans to get their hands on when it releases on February 8. Like seasons before, Season 12 will have an introduction trailer that is seemingly debuting incredibly soon. Even better, players should prepare to see some major information revealed from it. 

For those looking for their first in-depth taste of Apex Legends: Defiance, the trailer will officially premiere on the game’s YouTube channel at 8 AM PT and 11 AM ET on January 27. Like previous seasons’ initial trailers, it can be expected the footage will be around five minutes long, with most of it focusing on the story of the new legend Mad Maggie and its latest setting.

Thus, it wouldn’t come as a surprise if the biggest reveal from it is Mad Maggie’s abilities — which appears to have been teased already. As for the battle royale’s newest location, developer Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that the mode will offer the Olympus map once more, but there may be a few twists this time around. 

As first reported by YouTuber garret, a new advertisement for the season has circulated around some social media platforms, ultimately revealing that the map will sport several new buildings while also floating above something of a futuristic metropolis. In turn, this incoming trailer may clue fans in as to why the location has suddenly changed a great deal.

Beyond Mad Maggie and Olympus, Season 12 will also include a 9v9 Control Mode; but as launch trailers are rather infamous for not showing actual gameplay, players may need to wait a few more days for this intriguing feature to be shown off.