The Hive are a mysterious race from a time unknown. Before the Season of The Risen, Hive were restricted to the Moon, the Tangled Shore, and the Dreaming City. With the arrival of the Destiny 2: The Witch Queen expansion, the Hive can now be found on Savathun’s Throne World as well.

Although they’re found sporadically all over the region, you are more likely to encounter Hive towards the interiors of Savathun’s Fortress, starting right from the Fluorescent Canal region.

There are a few different Hive enemy types that you will now encounter. They are as follows:

Standard Rank and File enemies

Regular red and orange bar enemies can be defeated easily with any weapon.

Hive with Lucent moths

These enemies are protected by a Lucent moth. One shot is enough to dislodge the moth. You will then have to take out the moth before it explodes in your face.

Hive with Elemental Shields

These Hive are protected by an elemental shield. Although these shields are susceptible to damage by any weapon, the easiest way to destroy these shields is by firing at them with a matching elemental weapon.

Barrier Guardians

These are stronger Hive enemies with a lot of health denoted by a yellow bar. Defeating them can be slightly challenging. Remember to take cover while engaging these enemies. Power Weapons and Supers are very effective against them.

Lightbearer Hive

These Hive enemies can wield the light. You need to destroy their ghost after eliminating them, else they will respawn. Just like the Barrier Guardians, Supers and Power Weapons are effective against these enemies.

Check out How to kill Lucent Hive in Destiny 2 only on Pro Game Guides.